There are 3 ways to renew your tabs in Washington State
Whichever method you use, be sure to choose Cascade Licensing!
We will mail out the same day or you can stop by our drive up window for a quick pick up.
Did you know?
You can renew your tabs online if:
- Your tabs expired less than 12 months ago
- Your vehicle does not require a DOT number
- You do not have any outstanding parking or Good-to-Go tickets
Licensing office In Person
What you'll need:
2504 Main St
Union Gap, WA 98903
- License Plate Number
- Payment Information (Credit Card Payment or Your Checking/Savings Account)
- We can help you update your address, if necessary.
2504 Main St
Union Gap, WA 98903
Recreation Vehicles and Other Vessels + Decals
We provide licensing for the following:
- Boats
- Motorhomes
- Campers and Travel Trailers
- Modified Off-road Motorcycles
- Wheeled All Terrain Vehicles (WATV) & Off Road Vehicles (OFV)
- Snowmobiles and Snowbikes
Online (DOL)
What you'll need:
- Internet Access
- License Plate Number
- Payment Information (Credit Card Payment or Your Checking/Savings Account)
- An Email Address or a Printer to get your receipt
Getting Tab renewals
If you order online, you can choose to have your tabs mailed to you or to pick them up at Cascade Licensing.
At Cascade Licensing, we offer a drive-up window, so you can pick up your tabs quickly & conveniently.
At Cascade Licensing, we offer a drive-up window, so you can pick up your tabs quickly & conveniently.
Fleet Registration & Tabs
Fleet account program
To set up your account, please bring:
- Proof of Federal Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (FHVUT) payment
The registration of all the vehicles in a fleet account expires on the day of the month you choose annually.
If your fleet operates in more than 1 state, you might want to take advantage of licensing options through the International Registration Plan (IRP).
Don’t hesitate to call us if you have any questions, we are happy to help instruct you over the phone.
Did you know?
A Regular Fleet consists of 5-49 licensed vehicles. A Permanent Fleet consists of 50 or more vehicles. To maintain your Fleet status, you must keep all vehicles registered annually.
We're Here To Help You
Contact us if you have any questions.
It can be frustrating trying to figure out which documents and services are required by law and nobody wants to spend their day standing in a long line at the DMV. It’s even more frustrating when you give up or don’t sort it out and Law Enforcement issues you an expensive citation.
Don’t let that happen to you!
Let us help you navigate the system, to make it as smooth and painless as possible. Together, we can make sure you have what you need when you arrive, so you can move on to focusing on the things that really matter to you.
Don’t let that happen to you!
Let us help you navigate the system, to make it as smooth and painless as possible. Together, we can make sure you have what you need when you arrive, so you can move on to focusing on the things that really matter to you.